Now test yourself with some puzzles on theme of the low nuts.

  Board Cards  
A   B  

With only three low cards on the board, the nut low hand is the one with the lowest unduplicated cards. In this case Hand A has the nut low with A-2 to make an 8-7-4-2-A low. In fact, when there are three or more low cards on the board, but not an Ace or Deuce, it is very easy to work out the nut low. It will always be A-2!

  Board Cards  
A   B  

In this example, with only three cards Five or lower on the board, the nut low is simply the two lowest cards not on the board. Thus anyone with an A-5 has the nut low, a wheel: 5-4-3-2-A. Thus Hand A and Hand B split the low half of the pot!