Voluntary All-positions Straddle Arrives on PokerBROS
Straddles have been part of the liveliest of live poker games for years – and the flexibility and fun of this pot-building feature is now available on PokerBROS.
PokerBROS’ in-game options make playing online as exciting and interactive as the face-to-face game – from voice chat and animated emoticons to “Run It Twice” and deal-making. Choices that make every poker game as different and dynamic as its players are part of the fabric of the app – and when players want extra action, Voluntary All-Positions Straddle is there to give it at the push of a button.
Now, preflop blind boosting is unlimited: with this feature enabled at set-up, every player can auto-straddle, then evaluate their opponents, position and stack and decide whether to keep bumping up the pot preflop (including going all-in blind) or wait to see their hole cards.
Why Straddle?
In community card games, if there were no blinds, there’d be no pot to fight for! Juicing the pot with extra voluntary preflop bets gets action underway before a single card comes off the deck. Because the preflop straddle is no longer limited to the under-the-gun player, the power of position is magnified and the last player to straddle becomes the last to act in the crucial preflop betting round.
How Does It Work?
With Voluntary All-positions Straddle selected during table set-up, players are offered a two-phase straddle option preflop. Phase 1: Auto-straddle is simply turned on and off by each player at the table with the “Str” button. If at least one player auto-straddles, then Phase 2: Re-straddle/All-in Preflop comes into play for everyone, opening up a world of thrilling pot-building before hole cards are dealt.

During the Re-straddle phase, an eight-second countdown allows unlimited re-straddles (doubling every time) – with the fastest player choosing to boost the straddle posting it. The choices are repeated until everyone has chosen whether or not to re-straddle – it may be exciting but it’s not compulsory!
If no one turns turn Auto-straddle on, the game plays as normal – with just the two regular blinds and no extra straddle options. However, anyone who has played in (or railed) a live game with a voluntary straddle knows just how boisterous they can get: big pots, big moves and big decisions. This exhilarating option is now available to all Clubs; for more on how it works, head to the PokerBROS Blog.
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