How the Pros Redefine the Game of Poker – Is it Skill-Based or Purely ‘Gambling’?
Is poker gambling?
This age-old question has confused players and even governments.
- On the one hand, there is clearly betting that takes place around a card game – and that game is heavily influenced by chance.
- On the other hand, some professional poker players consistently win over millions of hands. By poker definitions, that doesn’t sound like gambling.
So, is poker a game of skill, or is it gambling?
Let’s find out.
Why So Much Confusion?
Some confusion arises because poker is a game of chance and skill.
Luck primarily determines the outcome of any poker hand. However, skill determines the outcome of a large sample size of poker hands.
Whether or not poker should be considered gambling has a lot to do with our point of reference.
Professional poker players have their perspective on the term ‘gambling’, which differs from the dictionary definition.