In this section you are provided with a series of multiple-choice questions about Omaha. Your task is to identify the correct answer in each case.
Which is the best hand here?
Board Cards |
A | B |
C | D |
Answer D is correct. Hands A and B are merely flushes. Hand C is Fours full of Jacks: 4-4-4-J-J, but this is beaten by Hand D, Sixes full of Fours: 6-6-6-4-4. Usually when the board is paired, four of a kind will be possible, but here the required Sixes and Fours were spread across the various hands. |
Who has the best hand in this situation?
Board Cards |
A | B |
C | D |
Answer C is correct. Players A and D have the same straight (K-Q-J-10-9), whereas player B has trip Kings (K-K-K-A-10). The best hand is held by player C with an Ace-high flush: A-K-9-8-4. |