Using Self-Talk to Improve Your Poker Performance!
Even brand-new players recognise that poker is a fast-paced and mentally demanding game. Players are not only challenged by the mathematical and strategic aspects but also by the psychological and emotional elements.
There is one crucial psychological tool that can significantly impact a player’s performance, and that is self-talk.
Self-talk refers to the internal dialogue we all have that goes constantly.
We become what we think about the most.
This internal dialogue forms the bulk of our thoughts.
Here are a few fun facts about the internal dialogue likely happening in your head:
Did you know that the average person has heard the word “no” 148,000 times by the time they’re 18 years old?
Or that psychology research shows that about 80% of our daily thoughts are negative?
We are all programmed to think in patently negative ways. We are constantly told what we cannot do from our earliest ages. So, it isn’t long until we adopt this thinking wholeheartedly and start telling ourselves what we cannot do!